Have you begun planning for the 22/23 school year yet? This teacher planning guide includes everything from organisational ideas to tips for staying productive. With this resource, you can keep your teaching goals in mind and stay on track throughout the school year!

#1: Turn Off Your Notifications And Stay Focused!

It’s easy to get distracted by all the things going on around us, but by taking a few minutes out of each day just for yourself no distractions allowed you’ll be much more productive. When you’re busy with important tasks, trying not to break your concentration over something else like social media notifications or email responses can be difficult. This takes effort since there are so many things vying for our attention at once, but turning these features off can help make sure that only one thing comes into play: You and your schedule. 


#2: Stick With One “To Do” List For Your Teacher Planning Needs

As a teacher, we know you have a lot on your plate. From lesson planning to marking projects to communicating with parents, there’s a lot to keep track of! “To do” lists seem to be the perfect solution for teacher planning, right? The answer is yes but you need to find the format that’s most suitable for you. If you find that the motions of writing something down helps keep it in your head better, try a physical list. If portability and accessibility are important factors when making decisions then there’s no question that a digital list is best!

A good method we’ve found helpful while managing tasks is downloading an app where all lists are saved so each one can be accessed quickly from anywhere, at any given moment.


#3: Let’s Talk About Storage 

Storage bins are great for organising your classroom. They come in all shapes and sizes, so you can find one to fit your needs. You can use them to store anything from books to art supplies. They can help you keep your classroom tidy and make it easier to find what you need. Plus, they’re relatively inexpensive, if you shop at the right place! You might be surprised at how much they can help you keep your classroom clean and orderly.

 Books are a source of knowledge, entertainment, and inspiration, but they can also be a source of clutter. If your classroom is starting to feel like a library, it might be time to consider using book bins. Book bins come in a variety of sizes and can be labelled to suit your needs. For example, you could label them by reading level, subject, or alphabetically. This way, your students can easily find the book they are looking for. If you ever need to change things up, simply label the bins and move them around as needed. 


#4: It’s All About The Filing 

As a teacher, you know that organisation is key to a successful school year. One way to stay organised is to keep all of your lesson plans, student information forms, and other documents in a binder, categorising them accordingly and labelling them with the appropriate tabs. This will help you quickly find what you need when you need it. You can also allocate a slot in your binder for random incoming documents, such as memos from the principal or notes from parents. By taking the time to organise your documents at the beginning of the school year, you can set yourself up for a successful and stress-free year.


#5: Let’s Get Colour Coding 

Classroom management is a crucial part of ensuring a successful learning environment. One challenging aspect of teacher planning and class management is keeping track of multiple students’ workbooks, notebooks, and journals. With so many books to keep track of, it can be easy for things to get lost in the shuffle. To overcome this challenge, try colour-coding the spines of each book to categorise them. Or, use different coloured binders and bins to store them. By using a simple organisational system, you can help to ensure that all of your students’ books are kept safe and sound.

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